RanchSlotions are unique blends, not too thick like a balm and not like a lotion, the perfect consistency to get just the right amount out and use where ever you need too give that extra attention too. Each one is hand curated, hand crafted with love,...
$65.00 - $240.00
Salves – Otherwise known as RanchSlotion
(Not quite a balm not quite a lotion)
Our salves, RanchSlotions, are unique blends; not too thick like a balm but thicker than a lotion. The perfect consistency to get just the right amount for wherever you need to give that extra attention too. Each one is hand curated, hand crafted with love, care and with only all natural, organic premium ingredients. Our blends are made from the Purest Unadulterated Highest Quality Full Spectrum Whole Flower Hemp Extract in order to deliver the fullest array of beneficial cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN, and many more), beneficial phytocompounds, flavonoids, terpenes and essential fatty acids to help you nourish your skin and soothe those dry or achy spots.

Our standard size is the 2 oz tin, which lasts most people with moderate daily use about 3-4 months. These come in 3 dosages, 444mg (Angel Blend), 1111mg (Twin Flames Blend) and 1776mg (The Freedom Blend). We carry several scents; but be sure to sign up for our updates so you can keep an eye out for seasonal special releases and cool bundles.
© 2020 RanchPure. These products are not intended for use or sale to persons under the age of 18 without adult consent. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.